Leading from Within: The Book

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Our Meditation4Leadership approach is based upon the philosophy identified in Steven M. Cohen’s book, Leading From Within: A Guide to Maximizing Your Effectiveness through Meditation, which presents 13 leadership traits and lessons that teach leaders how to improve effectiveness by cultivating – through meditation – the Four Pillars of greater Awareness, Connection, Perspective and Potential in their lives.


Leadership is not defined by title, but by what you bring to everything you do. It’s about being the best version of yourself, motivating others and adding value to all around you. We can all be leaders. Can meditation help you become a more effective leader? Absolutely. Leading From Within: A Guide to Maximizing Your Effectiveness Through Meditation will show you how. The benefits of meditation have long been studied and supported by leading neurologists, who have demonstrated that regular meditation practice actually changes brain structure, verifying scientifically-reported cognitive and psychological benefits that go beyond relaxation. Meditation can make you aware of what is holding you back, reveal how to break your existing patterns, and remove your barriers to success.

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The Four Pillars and 13 Traits
Leading From Within explores the wisdom of 13 business thought leaders. It identifies 13 universal traits of effective leaders that arise from those lessons and groups them into four foundational pillars: Awareness, Connection, Perspective and Potential. The traits are then paired with a variety of guided meditation techniques you can utilize to develop your leadership skills. Leading From Within offers you the tools to establish your own practice. Explore a myriad of meditation techniques to develop leadership traits and support the pillar that will best serve you right now. Meditation will teach you to observe the present with full attention, without judgment, and to connect with your inner wisdom. Once you’ve mastered the tools, you’ll be able to improve your professional life in ways you cannot predict. Enjoy increased focus, reduced stress, unleashed creativity, better relationships, clearer decision making, and an awakening to opportunities. A daily meditation practice is training for your mind as physical exercise is training for your body. If becoming a more effective leader is your will, meditation can be your way. One breath at a time.



“Leading From Within presents a unique paradigm for developing your personal leadership traits through a wide variety of meditation techniques, and also integrates teachings from well-known business leaders. Meditation can help you be the best version of yourself. Everyone can meditate. Meditation is not about something you do but about being in the present moment with your full attention. You can be walking or running or swimming or practicing yoga or sitting quietly with your eyes closed in a meditative state. Meditation is not about the absence of thought, but about observation without judgment. What you may observe is that as little as 10 minutes a day of meditation can result in building awareness, improving relationships, maintaining perspective and facilitating achieving your potential. Try it.”
– Steven M. Cohen

About Steven M. Cohen

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Steven M. Cohen

Steve is co-founder and the Chairman of the Board for Meditation4Leadership. An active partner, practice area manager and office manager at a large international law firm, Steve observed that he could be more personally satisfied and professionally effective by applying the lessons learned from regular meditation practice. It was then only a small leap for him to wonder how much more effective an entire business, community or political organization could be if a critical mass of leaders in the organization meditated regularly. Steve has been facilitating workshops on meditation and leadership for several years and recently published his first book, Leading From Within, which links 13 key leadership traits with associated meditations.

His goal is to enlighten people in understanding how incorporating mediation practices improves personal and organizational focus.

Contact Steven M. Cohen

If you’re interested in interviewing Steve, looking for content for your publication, or having Steve speak at an upcoming event, kindly send an email to info@meditation4leadership.org.

Where to Buy or Download Leading From Within: A Guide To Maximizing Your Effectiveness Through Meditation

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